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POB 597, 301 Alma Street | Laurel, NE 68745 | (402)-256-3314

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Isaiah 50:4 Blues

“Thou Shalt,” but “This Do!” 8 April 2020, 9:31 am

Do Christians really randomly pick and choose what commandments to keep? Sometimes it seems so. A Lutheran pastor here illustrates a method to the sometimes apparent madness (or Biblical wisdom) of knowing which Word of God to apply first or in which circumstance when God’s commandments appear to contradict in a “rock-and-a-hard place” kind of way—Like a pandemic!

The Farce Domini 6 April 2020, 11:55 pm

A poem in remembrance of Me --(1 Cor. 10:21-22; 11:20-22)

Your High Priest Remains Faithful to His Calling 6 April 2020, 3:12 am

Palm Sunday service with Confirmation Below you can view the online Participants’ Bulletin or download the Google docs file here.