POB 597, 301 Alma Street | Laurel, NE 68745 | (402)-256-3314
"For the one whosowsto his own flesh will from the fleshreapcorruption, but the one whosowsto the Spirit will from the Spiritreapeternal life... Sunday School & Bible Studies 9:00 AM Divine Service 10:00 AM ... And let us not growweary of doing good,for in due seasonwe willreap, if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:8-9)
SOCIALLY Distant, but... Spiritually Persistent click below to Share in our Streaming Services and more on
Do Christians really randomly pick and choose what commandments to keep? Sometimes it seems so. A Lutheran pastor here illustrates a method to the sometimes apparent madness (or Biblical wisdom) of knowing which Word of God to apply first or in which circumstance when God’s commandments appear to contradict in a “rock-and-a-hard place” kind of way—Like a pandemic!
Palm Sunday service with Confirmation Below you can view the online Participants’ Bulletin or download the Google docs file here.
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